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First Name Basis?

1 year 9 months

Dear Harmony,

Recently, you’ve learned that my real name is nothing close to mommy. Several times a day you call for my assistance referring to me as mom, mommy, baby, as well as Taressa. It automatically causes me to stop what I’m doing and direct all my attention on you, at the exact moment that you call my government. I instantly get upset. At the same time, I find it hilarious and it makes me proud. Of course, I figured at some age you’d learn my real name wasn’t “mommy”. Even with your 2nd birthday being right around the corner, the idea of you using my name feels so formal and very grown up.

Although I find it quite normal for a child to mimic what they see and hear, sometimes it can be frustrating to me, as a parent. I find myself correcting you and asking your father to help by refraining from calling me Taressa. I know this is the number one cause for your new discovery.  You’re constantly hearing your needy father holler my name and that can be confusing, especially when I’m answering to it.

After some online research and talking to other mothers who have gone through this phase, I have decided that you calling me by my first name isn’t so bad. I would really like for you to stop, but in due time I know you will figure out which word is more appropriate. At the current time, I’m confident that you know that mommy and Taressa is the same person and that I am YOUR mommy.

I will not pressure you into calling me mom by telling you it’s a privilege; Only a select few will have the opportunity to call me mom. That is true, but what if I decide to have a boatload of children. I’m talking 25-30 kids… not so much of a privilege anymore, right?

I will not pressure you into calling me mommy in hopes that you will forget my real name. What if for some strange reason you need to identify me and all you know to say is “mommy”. Do you know how many mommies are out there in this world?

I will not pressure you into calling me “ma-ma” when your father and I call you by several different names. Ladybug, hurricane and stinky booty are just a few of the many alias we have chosen for you. You don’t discriminate in terms of which name you respond to and we never asked you which you preferred. You answer to all and never put up a fuss, so maybe I should take a lesson from you and relax. Breath.



What do you prefer your children call you?

Something Fun!

What is a blog hop?.. Exactly the question I had when I came across a Facebook post pleading for participants. I love to write… I have a blog… so why not give it a go?

I think it’s a pretty neat idea and I’m excited to be a part of it. I got my start from Debbie LaCroix, a children’s book author. Although I was offered this opportunity a month ago, I’m just now getting to it. Any who, the hop requires that answer 3 simple questions, at the end of the blog, tag three more writers who are willing to participate and link their names to their websites.

So… here I go

Question 1)
What are you working on?
As many of you know I have a hand in a lot of things but currently I am working on getting my book exchange off the ground. I hope to collect hundreds of books in order to distribute to less fortunate children. As well, I’m working on series of children’s book. I have always loved to read. Now, with me being a mom, I want to pass that passion along to my daughter. I hope the books I create will inspire and educate children all around the world.

Question 2)
How does your writing process work?
I wouldn’t call it “writing process”. I prefer “creative process”. Within my creative process there is room for error and improvement. Usually I start out with a few ideas that have swarming in my brain for days, weeks, sometimes even months. I jot down my ideas and start branching off those ideas. Ideas can come at all hours of the day or night so I make sure to keep a pen and paper near. If I have no paper or pen available, I’ll record my thoughts using my phone.
When I get in a rut, I like to turn my computer on and just start writing any and everything that comes to mind. At the end, I’ll go back and “keep or delete” whole sentences or paragraphs.
The only issue I have with my “creative process” is that my mind is constantly changing and my original idea may not be anything close to my final product. That can be a good or bad thing.

Question 3)
Who are the authors you most admire?
I love V.C. Andrews. I grew up reading all her books. I loved the mystery and the unpredictable characters. Children book authors also have my admiration because it takes an incredible person to create a story that is intriguing, educational and appropriate for children. In the world of reading, you can be whoever and where ever and for a child that is everything. Their imagination craves new adventures.

Now, I need 3 other writers/bloggers to participate.
Join the blog hop by emailing me at

Christmas In July Book Drive (Columbus Ohio)

I’m super excited about hosting my first Christmas in July book drive tomorrow. I love the fact that so many people are congratulating me and trying to get involved in this movement. Our children need that strong support and we, as their parents, teachers, coaches, pastors,what have you, should apply that support.

I have no clue how many kids I will service for Christmas in July but my goal has been to raise 700 books. Whether or not 700 kids show up is not my concern the 700 is just a cushion to make sure I have enough books to supply all the children that will come, as well as take some home to continue doing what I’ve been doing and to boost the book exchange.

The rate at which children are entering school without the necessary reading skills is heartbreaking.

I know that the children that I am helping don’t have the easiest life and their parents don’t have the most money. Sometimes buying books for the family is not a priority when you’re worried about what you and your kids will eat that night or how your bills will get paid tomorrow.
As an avid reader as well as a new mom , it speaks to me to take on this cause. If I could get just one book in the hands of a child who has no books that’s all I could ever ask for. Books bring so much joy to children and if we can ignite that passion at an early stage of childhood, it will be a lot easier to keep them reading, keep them engaged, get them on track for school and get them on track with your communication skills. I’m not only bringing joy to kids I’m bringing them educational material,  opening up their imagination, expanding their vocabulary, and introducing them to critical thinking skills.

If this book driving and book swap proves to be successful,I plan to host many more just like it.

Ignite a passion for reading

A large percentage of students haven’t had enough positive experiences with literature in school to foster a desire to spend any time with books.  Many don’t describe themselves as readers at all, let alone consider themselves readers for life.  We have failed to convince them that they are readers. – Steven Layne

Mover N Shaker

My daughter is making moves… all over the place. She’s been trying to walk since she was 7 months. But its finally coming to a reality. She just needs to work on her balance and she’ll be on her way.

Im excited and afraid at the same time. It was so peaceful when she was fresh out the womb. I knew what she was doing and when she was doing it because she wasn’t going anywhere.  The things she gets into and she’s only crawling. .. I can’t imagine keeping up with “Walking Harmony”.

Althrough im afraid, I try not to let Harmony know. I always jump when she falls because I don’t want her to hurt herself but at the same time I have to let her learn.  She won’t build  confidence in herself if im always guiding or leading her. Don’t get me wrong… I do spot her… but I try to let her balance and take steps on her own.

This journey has been a long one and the best has yet to come. I give it til the end of the month “Harmony will be walking”.
Im speaking that into existence.

When did your little ones start walking?